There are some well-established stereotypes in our life that are almost never confirmed in practice, but everyone continues to stubbornly believe in them. One of these stereotypes is the assertion that the Windows operating system is more user friendly and many things are much easier to do in it. So I recently became a hostage to this stereotype. Not for long, really...

HID USB to UART Converter (usb2uart) on cp2110

cp2110 Gathered here recently usb2uart working through standard hidapi ...

How to prioritize ALSA sound card with the same module

ALSASometimes it happens that your computer uses two or more sound cards, and often they are from different manufacturers. The most ubiquitous in the case when there are built-in map and HDMI video, and in the case of different manufacturers've just

Time and anti-mass


 While the particle sinduklyarno and paralukulyarno. In each universe, time flows differently, and is given by


t = ß * sind / p 2 * m (1)


ß -value burnous in this universe,

sind-sinduklyarnost the speed of propagation (division) chstits time

ρ-paralukulyarnost angle of inclination of the axis of time relative to the center of the universe,

m-particle mass time (can be changeable value, see below)



So start

As we know


2 +3 = 5


3 +2 = 5, from a permutation of terms the sum is not changing, so


2 +3 = 3 + 2


5 = 5


2 + 2 = 5


QED ...


absurdity is always there ......

Transformer TC-180 as an output

Transformer TC-180 as an output


ALC662 sound in Linux







Script to convert a CUE file marks for audacity

Recently, faced with cutting the audio image in the tracks

classified as "TOP SECRET"

Soviet bunker opens secrets

Trambroidan’s Proverbs

         For all is the power of stupid, all have good luck late. And bureaucrat proud Serpatin rounded on three winters and two springs, so the lesson was an intelligent and edification stupid.

Configuring IPSec on the router WRT160NL with OpenWRT.


Auto IPsec tunnel on the router WRT-160


Create a mirror for the repository distro Ubuntu.

In this article I will talk about his experience creating a mirror repository distro Ubuntu 10.10.
